Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Roberto Castello MEMBERS
Swiss Data Science Center, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
More Info
  • 2023
  • Energy and Resource Engineering (E.R.E)
More Info
  • 2023
  • Energy and Resource Engineering (E.R.E)
Election Remark
Roberto holds an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Particle Physics from the University of Torino, Italy.

He has worked for several years in fundamental research as a senior fellow and data scientist at the CERN Experimental Physics division and on a research project supported by the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS). In 2018 he moved to EPFL to work on data mining and Machine Learning techniques for the built environment and renewable energies.

He has started and led multiple collaborations with academic and industry partners in the energy domain. Roberto joined the SDSC in September 2021 as a Principal Data Scientist with the mission of accompanying industries, NGOs and international organizations through their data science journey.

He was elected as member of the Euorpean Academy of Engineering in 2023.